Friday 1 April 2016

Maintenance tips for Washing Machine !!!!!

Maintaining tips for washing machine

Read this article, important tips to take care of your Washing Machine! Washing machine makes our life more easier and hassle free. Who don't want to spotless clothes out of their washing machine. Washing Machine is very crucial for all the people and it is also important to know that efficiency of the washing machine regular care, maintenance and long life of washing machine .

Useful Tips to take care of washing machine:

Daily Maintenance: After washing your clothes, keep the washing machine door open to let the moisture and dampness dry out. When machine is moisture free and get dry, then there will be no musty smell inside the tub. If you have washed very greasy and dirty load, make sure that you cleaned the machine walls & tub with a damp cloths to remove slimy build up.

Come to know what are you washing: Don't wash your rubber mates and heavy carpets in washing machine. This would put more pressure on washing machine motors and causes the damage to washing machine.

Clean the Interiors: Washing machine can clean your clothes but it can't clean itself. You have to take care of it. If your washing machine has a removable lint filter, detach it. Remove the accumulated lint from your clothes and attach it back. If your clothes look more old and have a layer of fluff on them, please check the filter of your washing machine.

Remove the detergent build-up, due to washing greasy clothes and dirt from the tub, dispenser and water pipes. Run the washing machine with 2 cups of lime juice or white vinegar and water without clothes on hottest wash. You can clean the interiors machine once in 3 months and hard water residue, outlet pipe from grease and other dirt build up.

Do not use excess detergent: We always use more detergent to wash our clothes and even we always think more detergent is needed get spotless clothes. We load the machine with greasy and dirty clothes, adds heaps of detergent, at the end we would get stain free clothes. But it's not always true. We suggest you to wash your clothes in small loads with less detergent. Using more detergent not only damage your clothes and it also damages the water pipes and motor of the washing machine.

For any kind of help and want to buy online washing machine spare parts, kindly connect with us:

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